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Translated from French, “papillon” means “butterfly”. In the 17th century the breed was brought to Bologna as a gift to the French king Louis XIV. As a result of the French Revolution, dogs were exported by emigrating owners, mainly to Belgium. It is one of the oldest breeds of purebred small dogs. The animal is characterized by its small size, weighing less than 4 kg with a height of 20-28 cm. Papillons are alert, friendly and intelligent (which is not typical for small dogs).
Its approximate price is 400 - 600 $ .
Japanese chin
Lifespan: 12–14 years
The Japanese Chin (Japanese Spaniel) is a decorative breed. It is believed that the animal came from the union of a tiger and a lion, which explains its ability to talk, meow and behave like a cat. Representatives of this breed are characterized by small size and body weight of about 1.8–3.5 kg. These dogs are distinguished by their easy-going nature, but they can also be wayward and proud. Usually pets are emotional, loyal, sociable and obedient. They get along well with children and pets and are ideal for living in small apartments.
The approximate price of this Japanese chin is 250 - 400$.
Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Life expectancy: 12 – 15 years
The breed originated in Wales and became the first herding dog breed. Welsh Corgis became widespread in the 10th century. The ancestor of the breed was supposedly the Icelandic dog or the Swedish Vallhund. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi belongs to the miniature family of sheepdogs, which provided the ability to successfully dodge horns and hooves when performing herding work. The character of these dogs is usually friendly, intelligent, and the animals are always devoted to their owner.
The approximate price of this dog is 300 - 450$.
Life expectancy: 12–15 years
Beagles have been used in the past as a hunting dog. They have always been distinguished by a very keen sense of smell, capable of sensing prey at a great distance. Even today, people use the scent of these dogs for various purposes: to sniff out drugs or explosives. In addition, it is on representatives of this breed of dogs that cosmetics are tested and various medical experiments are carried out. Beagles are excellent companions. They are recommended to be owned as a family dog. But to train these dogs you will need a lot of patience and strength, because beagles are quite stubborn.
The approximate cost of a beagle is 120 - 250 $.
Pomeranian Spitz
Life expectancy: 12–16 years
The Pomeranian Spitz (Pomeranian) belongs to the breeds of decorative dogs. Representatives of this breed are somewhat reminiscent of German Spitz dogs, but they are slightly different in appearance: the Pomeranian Spitz is characterized by more cottony, padded and soft hair, a short muzzle, and the German Spitz has guard hair and an elongated muzzle. This dog is mostly miniature and small, but very rarely medium. It got its name from the historical region of Germany - Pomerania. Pomeranians are loyal to their owners. They love to play and have fun. But they need to be exercised and trained often, otherwise they will become disobedient and aggressive. Fortunately, they are highly trainable. Physical activity is as necessary for these dogs as air. Sometimes Pomeranians are not averse to barking. They are a little selfish, but get along easily with other pets and small children.
A Spitz costs approximately 270 - 350 $.
American Cocker Spaniel
Life expectancy: 12–15 years
A breed of American origin, the history of which is rich in a wide variety of events. The American Cocker Spaniel is characterized by intelligence and a lively mind. They are active and lively dogs that regularly find a variety of entertainment for themselves. Animals love to eat, for this reason it is necessary not to exceed the standard portion of the diet. They get along well with children, are affectionate, sociable and friendly.
The approximate price for a purebred cocker is 200 - 300 $.
Life expectancy: 12–15 years
Translated from German, the name of the dog means “splash in the water.” Basically, the breed is decorative, the most common today. It is in 2nd place in the ranking of the smartest dog breeds, second only to the Border Collie breed. It is also distinguished by its high activity, playfulness and devotion to its owner. Poodles are highly trainable. This is why they are used as circus dogs. Poodles willingly take on any task assigned to them. The animal is able to adapt to almost any climate. There is an assumption that the homeland of the poodle is France. Here this breed is called caniche from the word cane - duck.
The approximate cost of a poodle is 300 - 375 $ .
All prices listed above are for one puppy.
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